This picture describes how I feel. Peaceful.
Okay, i'm over the panic that ensued yesterday. Panic might be an exaggeration, but i'm good now.
So, I love school. I really do, I love my hall, and all of my classes…even having projects due every day. EVERY day. I love it. I have good roommates and girls on my hall, even if some ditch you for a guy…they are still great. Really, really great. But, this week marks the 2 year anniversary of doing Old School! I cannot believe it, I feel old, 3 years since I graduated high school? Two years since I spent a semester in the woods? A year since I transferred to school in VA? It is so crazy how time has flown by. The Lord has changed me so much since that time, SO much. It's actually shocking. I'm definitely not who I used to be, and i'm so thankful for that…and I can't wait to see how He will grow me this year…and where i'll be in two years, because I have no idea. Sometimes it's easy to dwell on those sweet moments with God from the past, but there will be more. I feel like this semester and year hold something bigger than I can imagine. Or maybe want to imagine at this moment because it seems to good to be true. Point of this being, the moments i've had up until this moment right now, just with God and I have been the sweetest. He's into romancing me. It's just breathtaking. God of the Universe, THE GOD, romances me. Little me. What more could I want? What more could satisfy than this? Ah, I love adventures and His are the best.
FALL IS COMING! A new season is starting, a new adventure.
I've been thinking a lot recently about missions. Really camp got me started thinking about it more intensely, but then I came back to school and I realized how much God has laid that on my heart, even if only for a season or short term.
Although, there is one continent that is specifically laid on my heart, Africa. Kenya, Uganda, some place. I really think about it so much, not in a "leap for joy" way, but, i'm going there someday. God keeps bringing this chapter back to my mind, Isaiah 61. I read it during Beth Moore Bible study this past semester, during my Captivating Bible study this summer; and now so often in my quiet time or at Church.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor, He has sent me to bind up the
Brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the
opening of the prisons to those who are bound…to grant those
who mourn beauty for ashes, a garment of praise instead of
a faint spirit…they shall build up ancient ruins; they shall
raise up the former devastation's; they shall repair the
ruined cities, the devastation of many generations."
I love this. I am in love with this, but seriously, beyond any pre conceived notion that comes to your mind when people say this i'm so in love with God, He is so good and faithful to me. I know that hard times come, and this season is hard and fruitful all in one. Constantly I am having to be broken and reminded that i'm given this ministry of being a small group leader on my hall by the mercy of God. Constantly having to renounce old things, or old lies that i've believed; that satan likes to bring back to my mind. It's such a blessing to see how God works in the lives of others. It reminds me of how little I have to do with things like this. Definitely humbling, and challenging.
Well, this entry feels like a diary. Oops. But seriously, i'm so excited about the new season God is bringing in my life; even if somedays it's not exactly as I would plan…it always ends up better. I'm so blessed, and in love. Which, contrary to popular belief (at least here) is possible without a boyfriend.
"Put away old winds, the Lord is doing a new thing!"
I love you Lindsey. You have such a heart for God and you inspire me to keep pushing forward and strive to live the best life for God. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, inside and out. I can't wait to see what God does in your life as well :) And psh, who needs a boyfriend? ;)