Prepare yourself for a lot of reading...
Restless, I am restless until I rest in you O God. Oh repeat was one of the greatest inventions known to the iPod generation. Although, car sickness was not. I must say that I get carsick easily, maybe it’s the fact I consumed almost half a liter of water in the past ten minutes. I haven’t posted anything on here in a long time, I guess it’s just as well. I’ve been learning a lot and there would have been so many confusing posts up until now.
Road Trips and I have a love/hate relationship. They are fun with friends, sometimes fun with family, but never fun 4 hours into the trip. It’s the first few and last few that always make up the most memorable experiences. Of this i’m absolutely positive. A few examples to assure you that i’m right.
Old School Semester 2008, Sea Kayaking section. 12 people in a 15 passenger van traveling from Andrews, NC to the Everglades, FL. That in itself should be enough right there, but some moments include, driving through GA and passing by a huge peach as Brittany yells in a very agitated manner that the “peach” we were referring to was really a pear. False, GA Peaches. It made for a hilarious moment though. Another from that trip would be forgetting to get the passcode for the campground we were staying at and the guys legitimately guessing the code and getting in at midnight. Impressive, if that’s illegal then I omit that statement.
Last Thursday I drove up to camp with the other Brittany and we, during the long drive, got really entertained at strange billboards. Really, who thinks of some of those. Ironically they were in Georgia as well. Maybe Georgia is just the state I have a love/hate relationship with? It is always the longest to drive through going to camp or school. Well, i’m glad I figured that out.
The real point of this is to say, I am driving (through GA) home from camp. The sad thing is those of you that read this and have never been to Snowbird will never understand the torn emotions at that statement. It’s the strangest feeling, driving down the four-way away from Andrews and Murphy. It’s as if part of your mind is screaming “ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? TURN AROUND NOW” and the other part of me knows I have to go home, and I have to go back to the ministry I am called to next semester. Oh, how I wish it was camp all year. One week of working at camp is like running a marathon then only drinking half a nalgene of water. Terrible idea . I’m kidding, it was great to be in that community and get to meet new staff this past week. It totally solidified that passion God has placed in my life. I love people, and I am absolutely in love with working with teen girls. I love, and this may be weird to you, sitting and listening to their hearts and passions, and pain, then showing them the overwhelming power of Christ.
It’s a little overwhelming to think that it is what God calls me to do. Partially because it was always such a big dream of mine going through middle and high school. I don’t think I would have ever pictured my life the way it is right now. Praise God. What a treasure we have in Christ, who fulfills his purpose for our lives in a way greater than we could have ever comprehended. I’m really excited to see what My Beloved has planned for me next. I’m really excited that he has placed at Liberty this semester, a large group of Snowbird Staff. Let’s be honest, it is one of the biggest blessings ever.
I guess i don’t really know what it feels like to fall in love, but if Idid, then I could assure you that i’m over love, I am drowning in adoration for My Beloved, absolutely sinking. Not, that it means I am great, or perfect. I sometimes think that makes me more like an open wound. Susceptible to more pain because the more I get to know him, the more II see how absolutely unworthy I am of this love He has given me. BUT! He loves me is absolutely captivated by me. I know, it’s so great, i’m loving every minute of it. I love realizing how hard He is pursuing me, and getting to know him more intimately. The reason i’m telling you this isn’t for my own gain, but I just think it’s great how He does that with each one of us. God sees us in complete ruin, and reaches down and rescues us, brings us up and let’s us rest in Him. He pursues us even when we run away, still stretching out His hands to hold us and forgive us when we come back to him. Living He loved me, Dying He saved me, Buried He carried my sins far away, Rising He justified freely forever. Now He is coming! Oh Glorious Day!
Really, this is just lovely. I hope you feel the same way about Him that I do.
Oh, one of my absolute best friends Brittany Bingham got engaged. Yeah, it’s awesome. I’m so excited. Have I ever mentioned how much I love weddings.
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