I REALLY wish I could smell the mountains, don't judge me. They smell like summer, sweet. Maybe that's where the idea for that song name came from? It is country, and the smell comes from the country mountain air...hmm ponderings...
The first is this, there is this one concept we studied briefly in my PSYC 341 class. It was the "Superiority Complex" which is defined as an exaggerated feeling of superior to others. I suppose there are many ways people do this, if you are in high school it would be: a Coach purse, AE jeans, the "in" shoe...at least those were some things when I was in high school. Others may be a really great job, being an RA for some (which is REALLY annoying, i'm glad you are an RA but really? you don't have to be a jerk). Some girls like the "I have a boyfriend" one, which really doesn't make you any more superior just more clingy and obnoxious. I also have been seeing this Yellow Lamborghini on my way to the gym the past few days, parked "inconspicuously" sideways in the parking lot near the road. I mean, it's a cool car, I don't really blame him that costs more than my tuition but still, 3 parking spaces? You aren't that important. Are you?
Anyways, the context in which this came up in my life, oh rabbit trails, was pertaining to MACs or really anything Apple related. I was teasing my friend about how her PC that's 2 years old just crashed again, and how I LOVE my computer because it's beautiful, and is magical. Especially when i'm designing things. She said that anytime anyone bought a MAC, iPad, iTouch ect. they automatically gained a superiority complex and found everyone that had an off-brand inferior to their high spending capabilities. It was SO funny and made me laugh.
The second, would be this show called "I get that a lot"; I had never been able to watch it before tonight but it is HILARIOUS! There are 5 celebrities at different locations just doing random things like working at a fast food restaurant, selling clothes, or whatever. If someone came up to them and said "Hey are you...." or "You really look like..." they would just say "I get that a lot" or make fun of that person. They would convince some people that they aren't themselves, and sometimes the unsuspecting citizens would start to say "Good, they aren't that attractive" or "They are TERRIBLE at acting/singing/modeling" THAT is when it was REALLY funny. Talk about getting ca reality check, there are people making fun of you to their face in the most blunt way possible. But, it's Hilarious. Good job CBS.
I also REALLY like that I have callouses on my fingers again from my guitar, yay MAC for having a built in guitar tuner and Garage Band to teach me how to play different songs. BAM! Beat that!
Oh, it is WAY past my bedtime I have an earlyyyy class tomorrow.
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