My thoughts at night are so random...but I will enlighten you anyways,
I love music. I love it a lot, a day without music would really be impossible to comprehend because I hear it everywhere. Not just on the radio or iPod, but in the way the trees move and the birds chirp their own melodies to God. It's beautiful, as if beautiful could adequately describe it.

Let's just get this fact out there, I go to the most wonderful school ever. I have been SO blessed even before I made it to this new home of mine. I got to travel around North Carolina doing things that people DREAM of doing but never get to do. Mountain biking, Backpacking, White water rafting, Climbing, Sea Kayaking, Caving...not only does it sound incredible, scary, amazing, and breathtaking, it was. To think that I was planning on heading to a small college in PA after graduation and God was just waiting for me to get over the plans I thought were great and let me do Old School. Something that I would have NEVER done if I hadn't known beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was where God was leading me.
But back to where I am now, this school that has students from over 80 countries, over 80 majors, 12,000 residential students. This wonderful place that God has let me come to. Oh, how His plan continues to exceed mine. I remember in high school applying to come here but really just to add another acceptance letter to the pile- I was that kid. I never wanted to attend a LARGE college, Christian college-yeah. Big school? NO WAY. I also said I would never go to a community college, but that changed last year too. Oh, Liberty University, you are a TRUE blessing.
So, whether or not I have communicated it effectively I am madly in love with this man, He is ...well, words don't describe Him. He keeps surprising me with these great experiences. The whole earth SINGS of His glory. Yeah, cheesy, it's God. I love Him, really and truly He alone can rescue me, He alone can satisfy me. There is this funny thing about His love though, as much as it makes me thrilled I also tend to take it for granted...but His love for me never fails, ever.Even though I forget how He sent his beloved down to DIE for me, because I get so consumed in myself. I forget how He has created such a marvelous, intricate earth, because I am so lost in thinking of what I have to do next. I forget that He is Enthralled with my beauty, because I let the world define what that really means.
My love has been teaching me so much this semester; about everything really. Shaping and molding me more like He is. Maybe I should have said I USED to forget all of those things He did/does for me because He has absolutely captured my heart. From this past winter seeing SNOW and how magical it is, how He took the time to put detail in EVERY snowflake. And there are a lot of them! To this spring seeing the flowers grow, and trees bud; I don't believe I have ever stopped to notice something so magical. Every time I walk outside I am captivated. This was made for me, He loves me so much He did all of this for me. Yeah, that is crazy! I don't know how I could desire anything else. And, I don't.
I am in love, and yes, like they say it is wonderful. You can hear music in the wind and the trees, you can see beauty in the fading leaves. Love makes everything brighter, sweeter. Love makes you realize that the crazy standards or ideas everyone has about you or for you are just that, crazy. Because Love, my Love says that I am His and He is mine. Forever. Nothing I could do could change that, and He never wants to hurt me so I don't even have to worry about Him. Everyday when I wake up there is this blanket of love over me, and my darling is saying
"How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!".
I'm pretty excited about this. I'm also pretty excited that I get to go worship Him with other believers that are just as overtaken by His love as I am. Oh, this unfailing love that covers me.
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